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At SMILS, we promise to deliver more than just fashion-forward clothing – we promise to provide a statement of inner strength, a symbol of mindfulness, a spark of daily inspiration, a beacon of love, and a testament to the pursuit of success. Our empowering designs are not just to be worn; they're to be embraced as part of a transformative lifestyle. Each piece is a vibrant celebration of personal empowerment and conscious living, meticulously crafted to inspire your journey toward your best self. With SMILS, you're not only making a style statement but embracing a wardrobe that reflects your heart, resilience, and ambition. Join us and wear your SMILS as a badge of honor. Be part of a movement that values the power of the individual, the significance of mindful living, and the joy of fostering love and success in every facet of life. 
Born and raised in the vibrant heart of Kansas City, Missouri, my life’s journey began on an extraordinary canvas. Diagnosed with neurofibromatosis and severe scoliosis, I faced challenges that were daunting. However, I made a steadfast decision early on - I would not let these conditions define me. Instead, I embraced the mantra, "I have neurofibromatosis, but it does not have me."

Beneath my skin, neurofibromas attempted to encroach upon my life, leading to chronic restrictive lung disease. My body underwent significant changes, and my life followed suit. A ventilator and supplemental oxygen became my companions, essential in my daily living. But these physical realities never subdued my spirit, which remained as vibrant and unyielding as ever.

Throughout my life, I met adversity head-on. With 18 surgeries, 25+ hospitalizations and a plethora of medical challenges, my resilience was continually put to the test. However, I viewed these adversities not as barriers but as stepping stones, shaping the person I was destined to become.

In my early years, doctors painted a bleak picture, predicting a limited life span. But I defied those forecasts with unwavering perseverance and determination. I chose to carve my own path, not one that was dictated by circumstances or prognoses.

Fueled by my resolve, I navigated the world of academia with fervor. Earning a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from the esteemed University of Kansas and a Master's in Business Administration from Baker University, my academic achievements were not just milestones but powerful affirmations of my strength and dedication.

My trials and tribulations transformed into an unwavering passion and desire to inspire and empower others. Through my brand, SMILS, I aim to reach out to those who face their own set of challenges. My unwavering belief is that we are not victims of our circumstances but rather architects of our destinies, capable of achieving greatness when we harness the power within.

SMILS is more than just a brand; it’s a message of hope, strength, and triumph. Through it, I share a part of my soul, my experiences, and the lessons I’ve learned. My life, enriched by challenges and triumphs, stands as a testament to the indomitable human spirit.

As the founder and soul behind SMILS, I invite you to embark on a journey of resilience, belief, and unyielding will. I am living proof that our adversities do not determine our destinies. They are but chapters in the epic tales we author, as we turn the pages of our lives with unwavering resolve and unquenchable spirit.


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